Last-Minute Tips for the Matriculation Exam
Aayush Khadka
A slight nervousness churns in the stomach, and hands gets sweatier as the matriculation exams approach rapidly. For some, the matriculation exams might not cause any anxiety, and the pressure might not be felt at all. Regardless of the situation, everyone wants to reach their target grade, and that's why, as a recent graduate, I want to provide some last-minute tips for achieving that goal.
Matriculation exams often come with high expectations and pressure, as their results hold significant weight for future educational pursuits. For most, this is the first time sitting for these exams, which might add to the anxiety beyond the exam content itself. Thus, here are a few tips to level out exam nervousness and secure the best possible grade:
1. First and foremost, I want to say, don't stress. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, remember that most of the work is already done, and the desired educational path can be achieved through avenues other than just the matriculation exam results (which can also redo). So, focus on doing something that relaxes you in these final days. For me, that meant exercising, spending time in nature, and seeing friends.
2. Often, selecting and packing snacks is a highlight of matriculation exam preparation, and the exams themselves are sometimes playfully referred to as a 'picnic.' While many emphasize indulgent snacks, constant munching on treats might lead to discomfort and doesn’t keep your hunger away. Therefore, remember to bring along filling items alongside the treats to keep hunger at bay. This will ensure your brain stays alert throughout the exam.
3. Visualize the exam situation beforehand and imagine yourself taking the test. Plan your exam strategy, such as the order in which you'll approach the questions. This technique helped me manage my exam anxiety, and during the actual exam, I knew exactly where to start and how to proceed.
4. For language exams: Immerse yourself in the language you're being tested on for a few days or weeks before the exam. Read books, watch TV shows and movies, chat with friends, and switch your phone's language settings to the exam language. This will keep the language fresh in your memory during the exam. Additionally, during the exam, pick up words and phrases from other tasks and incorporate them into your essay answers.
5. For mathematical subjects: Make sure you know how to use allowed software. Learn to use all software functions effectively so that using it becomes easy, saving you unnecessary time fumbling with the software. Mention in your answers when you utilize the software.
6. In humanities subjects: Review the larger themes once again and ensure you can connect smaller details to the larger concepts. When writing essay responses, present your points clearly and logically, ensuring the examiner understands your ideas. It's better to avoid
dumping all your knowledge into the answer without structure. This demonstrates maturity, which the matriculation exam evaluates.
7. Take breaks during the exam, such as visiting the restroom and having snacks. Taking breaks helps maintain mental freshness. Especially before reviewing your answers, take a short five-minute break to clear your mind from the exam. After the break, you'll view your answers with a fresh perspective, making it easier to spot mistakes.
8. Stay in the exam room for as long as possible. Sometimes, ideas start flowing only towards the end of the exam. Even if you feel there's nothing more to answer and the exam seems complete, stay in the room to eat, review the exam, and take short breaks. This way, you can be sure that you have given your best.
Finally, let's revisit the first tip. Remember to take these final days easy and get good sleep the nights before the exam. Good luck to all candidates in the upcoming challenge!
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