
Last-Minute Tips for the Matriculation Exam

Aayush Khadka A slight nervousness churns in the stomach, and hands gets sweatier as the matriculation exams approach rapidly. For some, the matriculation exams might not cause any anxiety, and the pressure might not be felt at all. Regardless of the situation, everyone wants to reach their target grade, and that's why, as a recent graduate, I want to provide some last-minute tips for achieving that goal. Matriculation exams often come with high expectations and pressure, as their results hold significant weight for future educational pursuits. For most, this is the first time sitting for these exams, which might add to the anxiety beyond the exam content itself. Thus, here are a few tips to level out exam nervousness and secure the best possible grade: 1. First and foremost, I want to say, don't stress. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, remember that most of the work is already done, and the desired educational path can be achieved through avenues other than j

Viime hetken vinkit ylioppilaskokeeseen

Aayush Khadka Mahanpohjassa tuntuu pieni jännitys ja kädet hikoavat hetki hetkeltä, kun ylioppilaskokeet lähestyvät kovaa vauhtia. Osalla taas voi olla, että ylioppilaskokeet eivät jännitä ollenkaan ja painetta ei tunnu. Oli mitä oli, jokainen haluaa yltää omaan tavoitearvosanaan ja siksi haluan vastavalmistuneena ylioppilaana antaa viime hetken vinkit sen saavuttamiseksi. Ylioppilaskokeisiin on usein varautunut paljon odotuksia ja painetta, koska niiden tuloksilla on suuri merkitys jatkokoulutuksiin hakiessa. Suurimmalle osalle tämä on ensimmäinen kirjoituskerta, jolloin itse kokeen lisäksi saattaa jännittää myös koetilanne. Siksi tässä on muutama vinkki tasamaan koejännitystä ja saavuttamaan mahdollisimman hyvä arvosana: 1. Heti ensimmäisenä haluan sanoa, että älä stressaa. Tämä on toki helpommin sanottu kuin tehty. Muista kuitenkin, että suurin työ on tehty ja haluamasi opiskelupaikka aukeaa myös muuta kautta kuin ylioppilaskokeiden tulosten kautta (joita voi myös korottaa). Keskity

Secrets to Effective Learning: Study Techniques That Guarantee Success

One of the most important skills a person needs, which is not taught in school, is the skill of learning. How can one efficiently and rapidly acquire new knowledge? Learning new subjects efficiently using study techniques helps avoid extended hours of sitting and sleepless nights. Study techniques make it easier to remember and transfer information from short-term working memory to long-term storage in the brain. The Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a well-known and popular time management method that helps make studying more efficient while ensuring that the brain doesn't burn out. The first phase of this technique involves a continuous 25-minute study session during which you focus solely on your studies. Choose the task or topic you want to study and set a timer for 25 minutes. Various Pomodoro websites or apps, such as Pomofocus, can help you with preset timers for your convenience. After the 25-minute study session, the next step is a five-minute break. Set a timer