The Ad Controversy Revealed the Power of Prejudices in Society

 What would your reaction be if you saw a large advertisement featuring two people of colour with the text “Ihan lipun laitonta” (“Completely illegal ticket”), accompanied by an image of a forged ticket in the background? Many people have condemned the ad as racist, leading to a public uproar. Those criticizing the ad likely interpreted it as implying that the people of color featured in the ad are the ones who travel with forged tickets. Doesn't this suggest that people of color are being singled out as offenders? Or does this reaction reveal more about our own biases?

This advertisement, published in August of last year, was part of HSL’s campaign aimed at reminding passengers that traveling with a forged ticket is illegal. The interpretation of the ad is always influenced by the viewer’s mindset and attitude. In my opinion, the controversy says more about people’s negative prejudices than it does about HSL’s failure to design the ad appropriately. I see it as a case where many people viewed the ad and unconsciously associated the individuals in it with negative stereotypes and prejudices, rather than recognizing them as supporters of the campaign. This led to the perception that the ad is racist, even though it isn’t.

The influencers featured in the ad, Iba and Keinaan, shared their thoughts in a Yle article (August 27, 2024), stating that non-minority individuals had taken offense to the wrong things, which they found problematic. They also expressed disappointment and frustration that these individuals had taken it upon themselves to define what constitutes racism. On their social media platforms, they explained that such actions silence those who have personally experienced discrimination and the effects of racism.

I am confident that most people who condemned the ad had good intentions. However, the fact remains that all of us harbor unconscious biases, which can subtly influence our thinking. These biases might have contributed to some people feeling offended by something that didn’t warrant such a reaction. It is crucial to ensure that we don’t confuse racism with other forms of injustice or misunderstandings. HSL’s decision to quickly withdraw the ad following the public outcry also highlights how sensitive and complex the topic of racism is.

Prejudices are a completely normal part of being human; everyone has biases and preconceptions about various things. However, this case demonstrates how harmful and subtle prejudices can be, shaping our interpretations and leading to misunderstandings. Often, these biases are directed at people we know nothing about, nor do we understand their backgrounds. This is precisely why prejudices are often incorrect.

Although everyone has biases, we should strive to set them aside and approach each person as an individual. Victimizing others on their behalf should be avoided, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stand up for their rights. Only by doing so can we promote true equality in our society.

Aayush Khadka



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